
Shadow Survival Item Combination Guide (English)

Item combination is a feature that allows you to obtain higher grade items by using multiple items in your possession. As the grade of the item increases, new abilities are unlocked or the level that can be reinforced increases.


Item combination can be done in the window that appears when you press the combination button in the item tab.
When you select an item that you want to grow to the next level, the items that can be used as materials are filtered and displayed.
When combining, the grade of the main item increases and the material items disappear.
When you press the confirmation button, you will return to the item tab.

๏ธ Combination Rules

Each item can be combined according to the following rules.
The base stats refer to the skill damage, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage displayed on the left of the item.

๏ธMagic Bead

The magic bead is an item that can be used as a combination material in any situation if its grade is suitable.
When it is difficult to match material items, it can be easily raised in grade by using the magic bead.